BioHorizons™ Tapered PTG Implants
Predictable, immediate results
BioHorizons Tapered PTG implants support full-arch treatment in severely resorbed maxillae and provide an alternative to grafting, potentially expediting treatment.1
Developed in a 4.2mm diameter with 15 and 18mm lengths, the implants feature a unique, dual-tapered body with aggressive buttress threads, suitable for engagement during angled placement in the posterior maxilla. This approach maximizes AP spread for full arch restorations, while maintaining high implant stability.
Features at a glance
Dual tapered body and aggressive threads provide stability in the pterygomaxillary region
Reduced apical diameter allows for precise placement of the implant apex
Unique Laser-Lok® microchannels create connective tissue attachment and retain crestal bone
Osteotomy matched collar preserves vital bone
Tapered PTG
Features of the Tapered PTG Implant System
Laser-Lok™: better science, better implants
Control cellular migration - control esthetic outcomes
1. Reference L01077 for Tapered PTG indications
2. Human Histologic Evidence of a Connective Tissue Attachment to a Dental Implant. M Nevins, ML Nevins, M Camelo, JL Boyesen, DM Kim. International Journal of Periodontics Restorative Dentistry. Vol. 28, No. 2, 2008.
3. Histologic evidence of a connective tissue attachment to laser microgrooved abutments: a canine study. M Nevins, DDS, DM Kim, DDS, DMSc, SH Jun, DDS, MS, K Guze, DMD, P Schupbach, PhD, ML Nevins, DMD, MMSc. Accepted for publication: IJPRD, Vol 30, No. 3, 2010.
4. Symposium 2013 Laser-Lok highlights, Available at: Laser-Lok highlights